The next candidate-draft, the eFMI® Standard 1.0.0 Beta 1, for the first official release of the eFMI® Standard has been released! You can download it from the Home page and the Resources page.

This is the first Beta release since the last candidate-draft, the Alpha 4. We are therefore now in beta phase, with each beta finalizing one model representation chapter.

This release focuses on the Behavioral Model representation, whose specification has been finalized and significantly extended and improved to achieve semantic completeness. Among many features, eFMI® Behavioral Models support:

Besides the “Behavioral Model representation” Chapter, Beta 1 also finalizes the PDF layout and support chapters, like:

There are only minor improvements in the other chapters; they will be focused on and finalized in individual future Beta candidate-drafts. The plan for Beta 2 is to wrap up the current preamble with “Abstract”, “Overview” and “Introduction” Chapters into a single “Overview” Chapter, wrap up and finalize Chapter 1, “General Concepts”, and Chapter 2, “eFMU container architecture”, into a single “Common concepts” chapter, and finalize Chapter 3.1, the “Algorithm Code manifest”.

Testing – and how to define tests, store references, integrate the tooling subject to testing, and make sure different test environments agree on the test results for a certain tooling – is certainly a hot topic for any Modelica Association standard and project. We sincerely hope that the eFMI® Standard 1.0.0 Beta 1 provides an excellent starting point for discussion and insights on the challenges of achieving well-defined semantics and completeness, even if “just” for something as “simple” as testing sampled data systems.

If you have any general questions, feedback or improvement proposals for the eFMI® Standard, please follow the reporting specification issues and new feature requests guidelines on our website or contact us on our public mailing list, (no Google account required).

Your feedback is very welcome!